Animal Species
The diversity of animals one can find on the trail is astounding. Hikers have seen a bald eagle diving into the lake and returning with a fish, a flock of white pelicans land on the bayou, mallard ducks enjoying the cool water and sunlight, white tailed deer running down the trail, and a snake unsuccessfully trying to capture a frog. Memories like these are unforgettable and are the reason the trail is so special to so many people. Montessori students just confirmed sighting of a river otter in the bayou! Let us know if you see any unique animals on the trail!

Did you know that a river otter was spotted in the Old Bayou Pierre?

Not only are river otters increadibly cute creatures, they are also crucial indicators of healthy, clean water! River otters are clear signs of waters free of pollution and other damages due to climate change. Friends of the Coates Bluff Trail are happy to see that the bayou's waters are clean and healthy.
For more information on river otters, visit American Rivers.